Five Feet Apart

Author: Rachel Lippencott

Published: Nov. 20th, 2018

Rating: 4/5

Not gonna lie I hadn’t heard of this book until I saw the movie trailer on Facebook. I don’t know if anyone else is like me but I always love to read the book before I watch the movie. The book starts out from the point of view of Stella who had been battling Cystic Fibrosis since she was really young. During her latest trip to the hospital she sees her usual hospital friends nurse Barb and her friend Poe. Soon into her stay she notices a new CF patient, Will. Over the course of her stay the grow closer and soon start to fall in love. This story takes many many twist and turns and let me tell you don’t plan on finishing it with dry eyes.

Overall this book was amazing. You get to see the story take place from both Will and Stella’s point of view. The story really brings you in and makes you care for the characters. The story line is amazing and flows well. You get to really know the characters not only the main ones but the supporting characters as well.